Shop for a Cause at DRTC Gift Shop


In 2014, Dale Rogers Training Center continues to receive recognition for its innovative programs and quality service for those with disabilities. DRTC provides these services by using the “hand up” approach by combining training with real-world production skills. You can support this effort by buying the products made here at DRTC. Our Gift Shop offers Prairie Spice gifts, Prism Place awards and trophies, DRTC themed gifts and holiday cards. You can also take advantage of the Wyman Frame Showroom located next to the Gift Shop. All sales proceeds go back to support DRTC’s mission and help its individuals blaze new trails and build their futures. You can also shop online at Shipping is available or you can pick up your order at the Gift Shop, located at 2501 N. Utah Ave., Oklahoma City, OK.

VISA, MasterCard, and Discover accepted.

Spicing It Up! New Online Store and Spice Line

When executive director Connie McGoodwin and Felicia Schaefer, owner of Cedar Hill Seasonings, began developing a line of blended seasonings, their goal was to create a quality product that would help individuals with disabilities gain work skills and earn a paycheck.

The Prairie Spices, which launched on June 28, is a gift set of four spice blends that are custom blended by Cedar Hill Seasonings, branded with Oklahoma packaging and assembled and shipped by individuals with disabilities at the Dale Rogers Training Center.

“Our team amusingly referred to ourselves as the Prairie Spice Girls,” said McGoodwin. “It was a great collaboration with Cedar Hill and an important venture for Dale Rogers. The economy has everyone, including nonprofits, in a squeeze. Dale Rogers prefers to provide services and produce products instead of doing an annual donation campaign. The spice sets are a well-priced, quality product that our clients are excited to package—they’ve even added a personal message in each box. My favorite message is from Clayton, who said, ‘Payday is my favorite day!’”

The names of the spices accentuate the rugged romance of the countryside: Prairie Blend seasoned salt, Garlic Gusher, Oklahoma Heat peppermill blend and Okie Onion. A recipe card and the story of Dale and Roy Rogers’ daughter, Robin, are also included.

To order, simply visit the Online Store!

Spicing It Up Online!

Dale Rogers Training Center is always slowly increasing its visibility online, and always developing new ways for the individuals we serve to earn a paycheck.   One recent result of this is our online store, including a new line of seasonings called Prairie Spices (more on that in an upcoming post!).  Take a minute to see what DRTC has been up to and visit our online store.