Volunteering for fun!

Dale Rogers Training Center’s (DRTC) Camp Tumbleweed is winding down, but not without some more fun courtesy of Bishop McGuinness High School’s Social Justice course. Students took a tour of DRTC, learning about our history and what we do at the agency, and then volunteered at Camp T.

BMHS seniors and Camp T campers had a great time playing games!  Thank you for volunteering!

Learn more about exciting volunteer opportunities at DRTC.

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Dale Rogers Training Center (DRTC) is the oldest and largest community vocational training and employment center for people with disabilities in Oklahoma. With multiple locations in Oklahoma, DRTC trains or employs more than 1,100 people with disabilities per year. Visit us online: DRTC.org.

Get The Most Out Of Life!

Wow, it has been a year for Life Skill training at DRTC! Lots of progress has been made including set curriculum, class times, homework, and skills developed. Life skills will continue to expand throughout the next year. Nutrition class will expand into a cooking and meal prep class, our newest class – Apps will continue to expand, and there will be some crossover into some of our classes as well. We are always looking for volunteers to assist, if you are interested or have any further questions please contact (405) 946-4486.050614TransitionsGraduation046_bw

Freedom of Transportation

Metro Transit
For millions of Americans, public transportation provides an option to get to work, attend school, visit friends, or go to a doctor’s office. Staff at DRTC knows that using the Metro Transit buses is an important life skill that supports individuals’ success.

Marcia, DRTC Master Scheduler, has been helping groups of individuals learn how to use the Metro Transit by riding the bus to various locations and plotting routes that include transfers and individuals’ homes.

“They feel more independent when they don’t have to depend on others to get places,” said Marcia.

One of the individuals who has been learning how to use the transit, is excited about the freedom the bus could offer him. “I would be able to go on the bus with friends!”

Public transportation training is turning out to be popular and enjoyable. “All of the riders are excited about the increased independence this training provides,” said Jennifer, DRTC’s Vocational Services Coordinator.